Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles are 100% electric, 0% carbon, sulphur and nitrogen exhaust but can be just used just like cars with a combustion engine.
DEOdrive develops these FCEV cars for customers.
32 miljoen voor waterstof mobiliteit in Europa: A large coalition of European partners has launched the Hydrogen Mobility Europe project (H2ME). H2ME […]
PowerPoint presentatie over DEOdrive en waterstofoplossingen Waterstof bestelauto in Autoweek Video, item na 1:30 min. Interactieve Flash video over Waterstof economie […]
Rotterdam, 14 april 2015 De Nederlandse marktintroductie vond plaats bij VKV, Renault dealer in Rotterdam. Keynote spreker was Mw. Drs. Jeannette Baljeu, […]